Can I cancel my subscription?
Prime can be cancelled at any point after the initial six-month-minimum period. As Care and Plus are annual policies, they can only be terminated at the renewal date.
Prime can be cancelled at any point after the initial six-month-minimum period. As Care and Plus are annual policies, they can only be terminated at the renewal date.
You can change all your details in the Susu app
All details of payments that are due or have been made are available in the Susu app
All details of payments that are due or have been made are available in the Susu app
If the medicine is orderded through Susu, we can collect payment using the out-package process
If your account is in arrears then the service you have subscribed for will be put on hold until your account is bought up to date
No your account is only debited once a consultation has taken place. The initial screening appointment is free.
You can agree in advance a maximum amount that can be debited from your account or card in the event that you can not be contacted. We will still try to reach you in any event but if it proves impossible then we will go ahead with the payment up to the agreed limit.
You will be notified in advance of any ‘out of package’ amounts that your beneficiary wishes you to pay and you will have the option to accept or refuse these payments. If you accept these additional charges then these will be collected via your preferred payment method
You can pay by credit card or by direct debit – whichever suits you best. You can amend your payment details at any point in the Susu app.
Susu est une Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) au capital de 250.000€ entièrement libéré
(Siren: 848 010 286 R.C.S. Lyon).
© 2019
75 rue de Richelieu
+33 48 169 48 48
Cocody Vallon Sainte-Cecile